Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Up to You New York......New York!

This is my not-so-little, little sister and these are a few of her head shots for her trip to New York City. I think she is pretty darn beautiful!

She is off to the the big city to begin auditioning for roles on and off Broadway.

I am so proud of her and wish her the very best on this new adventure.

Make Oklahoma Proud, Sis!


Andrea January 13, 2008 at 4:16 PM  

She is beautiful just like you Betsy! These head shots are wonderful. :-) I think anyone she shows them to will be impressed.

jeblusk January 13, 2008 at 8:48 PM  

Oh my gosh!! You go girl! I always knew you would be in New York!! One day I will go and see her on Broadway!! The head shots are GREAT!
Emily Lusk

eric March 16, 2008 at 3:06 PM  

That is NOT your sister! She is all grown up now. I can't believe it. She's gorgeous and Broadway would be missing out if they didn't snatch her up!
Amy Stogsdill

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