Monday, May 5, 2008


The goal of this session was to get all four cousins (two under the age of two) looking at the camera at the same time- well, we tried and were able to get a few but I think this particular group shot is my favorite.
I took a few individual shots and and then we did a mini newborn session with Baby P... he was on his first trip to Oklahoma and was quite the trooper when we stripped him down. His dad was a trooper too when Baby P decided to "bless" him.
As for the shot of the back of G's shirt- these were the shirts that were worn for G's Heart Walk Team...G is a little miracle and has grown quite a bit since I photographed him last. Click here to see his Fall session.

Thanks K, H and K Families- it was fun!


Anonymous May 9, 2008 at 1:14 PM  

We LOVE the pics in the "sneak peek." Can't wait to see all of them!!

Thanks again for squeezing in a newborn session for Paxton. You're the best!!

Allison May 14, 2008 at 11:34 AM  

What great pics Betsy! You managed to capture it all...the cute cousins, the sweet siblings, the newness of baby P, and the miracle of big boy G! I know that these families will cherish their pictures!

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