Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3 Week Old Baby S

Baby S's mother and I were the best of buddies growing up. Our families used to camp and boat together almost every weekend during our childhood summers. Well, as life happened and we all grew up, the summer camping and boated ended and S and I just grew apart. Nothing really happened, our lives just took different paths.

Well, we now have something great and wonderful in common...we are mothers.

Needless to say, I was honored when she called me photograph her son. This is one aspect of this "job" that I just love- catching up with old friends and getting to spend a little time with them as they enjoy their best moments.

S's mom made the trip to my "studio" as well and it was so fun to catch up with her too. She loves being a grandmother as much as my mom does and her fun is only just beginning.

I could go on and on, but I just can't express how fun this session was for me.

S, your sweet little baby is such a gift- treasure each moment, they grow too fast.


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